Friday, October 10, 2008


Last month, I blogged about some actual physiological and biochemical changes within the digestive system that can lead to osteoporosis. Now, I would like to speak about osteonecrosis.

What is osteonecrosis, you may be wondering?
Well, take a look at what a medical website: Medline Plus has stated. Now, before I go on my rant, pay particular attention to what is conveniently omitted from the "causes" section.

Osteonecrosis is caused when the blood flow to the bone decreases, but why this happens is not always clear. Some known causes of osteonecrosis are:
Steroid Medications
Alcohol use
Increased pressure to the bone

Risk factors for osteonecrosis are:
Radiation treatment
Kidney and organ transplants

Now, here is what is so misleading. There is absolutely no mention of a osteonecrosis line to the osteoporosis medications like: Actonel, Fosamax, Aredia, etc.
There is so much for you to research, my friends. I URGE you, get out there and research your health conditions, etc.
Please do not simply accept that if your body is deficient in some manner, that you are meant to take prescription drugs for the rest of your life. These pharmaceutical companies have a great deal to gain by you purchasing their products. Do you really believe they have your health on their mind or their profit? Only you can truly decide for yourself.

I have made it easy for you to get some information with the following links:

Take a look at this link from the March 2005 USA Today.

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